2010년 10월 7일 목요일

Last day of french class

Today was last day for french class.
Time flies! i can't believe that it is already finished so far.
I feel like i have to go to french class next Tuesday.
Through this class, i learned pretty much. Since before i prefered to take this subject eventhough it's required. Because it's my one of favorite foreign lanaguage.
Sometimes, when professor spoke in French, i always hard time to understand so i asked to my seatmate. But later on, i became to understand little by little. From that time, i found it is interested subject. On the last day, we had time to share our talk. They asked me to sing one song. At that time, i was so nervouse and shy. but i sang shortly. They all liked it eventhough my performance was bad. Thank you guys! :)
And I really thank to my professor Zarah for teaching us kindly.
I would continued to study this subject eventhough it's is finished.
It was good opportunity to improve my french skill for my mjor in voice. :)
I tagged some pictures also! :)
On last day of french class
We started from Sara's group reporting.
It was about Ms. french international festival.
...... OMG!!


with my professor Zarah! ♥

Last day of french class

He is one of the best and smart classmate in my french class.
His name is Patric. He is graduating UP soon. I envy him!
Every time we had french class, he was like french man.
Sometimes, whenever i want to ask something about homework, i asked me.
He was not sure but he was trying to help me with his best!
That's why i like him!! He was a gentleman for me inside the classroom. :)
Last day of french class, a fter Sara's group reporting, they served food for us.
This food was cooked by Sara. The spagettie taste was so good.
And i liked a bread, too! :)

Justine and who....(?) I'm sorry to him.. i don't remember your name...lol

While we were eating, we watched french animation.

And last! She is my best classmate in french class.
Her name is Justine, she helped me a lot whenever i don't follow the class.
Thank you Justine! I hope to see you agian! :)

2010년 9월 19일 일요일

Le Carte Postale

This week tuesday and thursday, the topic was all about how to make post card. I learned some expressions about greeting in french on the post card. And last Thursday, we had a activity making a post card for person who i know. So i decided to write post card to my best classmate, 'Justine' And also she wrote it for me. We exchanged post card each other.

This is from my friend, Justine! :)
Here are some useful expressions in french for post card.

Donner ses impressions sur un lieu

C'est (un endroit) extraordinaire/ magnifique/ génial ! -This is a magnificent place!

C'est un pays de contrastes !

J'adore cette ville ! -I love this city!

Je passe des vacances inoubliables ! -I spent an unforgettable vacation!

Parler de ses activités en vacances

Je marche. -I walk.

Je visite des musées/ le quartier. - I visited museum.

Je me promene dans les parcs/ la ville. -I go for a walk in park/ in viliage.

Je fais du shopping. - I had shopping.

Je me baigne. - I have swim.

2010년 9월 5일 일요일

La demande de réservation

La réceptionniste: Hôtel du lac, bonjour!
Le client: Bonjour, madame, je voudrais une chambre pour ce soir.
C'est possible?
La réceptionniste: Pour combien de personnes?

Le client: Une personne. Vous avez une chambre avec salle de bains?

La réceptionniste: Ah non, désolée, monsieur, nous avons seulement une chambre avec douche à vous proposer.

Le client: Quel est le prix de la chambre?

La réceptionniste: 26€ petit déjeuner inclus.

Le client: Vous acceptez les chiens?

La réceptionniste: Oui, mais les petits chiens seulement.

Le client: Bien, je prends la chambre.

I learned how to reserve hotel room through telephone. So far, i feel i am improving the listening skill eventhough i am not good at speaking. I can catch some familiar word while i am listening the audio file. Today also through lestening audio, it was quite easay for me to understand. But i realized that i have to study more. it is not enough. Below, these are some new words i've learned today:

*New key words*

  • chambre- bedroom
  • soir- evening
  • salle- sale
  • bain- bath
  • douche - shower
  • prix- price
  • déjeuner- lunch
  • petit- small

2010년 8월 24일 화요일

Itinéraire en Français

Today, i learned how to say people the direction. First, we listend to audio file, and we had to point the place from the start piont through their conversation. We listened same thing many times, i couldn't catch it eventhough there are some key word i've learned. But surprisingly, the other classmates seemed anwer everything after listening audio file. i asked to my seatmate Justine, she helped me at that time, so i could answer it. These are the key words below i've learned today :

  • tourner à (gauche/droite) – turn (left/right)
  • prendre la rue – take the street
  • traverser le pont – cross the birdge
  • aller tout droit – go straight

And, new vocabularies i've learned today:

  • gare- train station
  • rue - street
  • place - sejour
  • tout droit – straight

2010년 6월 22일 화요일

2010년 6월 15일 화요일

Se présenter et la nationalité

James: Bonjour, je m'appelle James.
Je suis américain. Et vous?
Amy: Amy, je suis coréenne. Enchantée !
*Les adjectifs de nationalité *
♥ Today was 1st time to have french class. When professor entered the classroom, she continued to speak in french. For me, i had hard time to follow her lecture, because i didn't understand,but i had to try to understand. Well.... i am afraid if i can follow this french class or not.
Today, i learned how to say about nationalities. My professor asked us to say our own nationaliy one by one. i was confused that when do i need to masculin or feminin at the end of word like coréen-coréenne. I had hard time with that. And the last, i learned how to introduce myself. Je m'applle Amy. This is one of the easiest sentence i've learned today. hehe :) ♥