2010년 10월 7일 목요일

Last day of french class

Today was last day for french class.
Time flies! i can't believe that it is already finished so far.
I feel like i have to go to french class next Tuesday.
Through this class, i learned pretty much. Since before i prefered to take this subject eventhough it's required. Because it's my one of favorite foreign lanaguage.
Sometimes, when professor spoke in French, i always hard time to understand so i asked to my seatmate. But later on, i became to understand little by little. From that time, i found it is interested subject. On the last day, we had time to share our talk. They asked me to sing one song. At that time, i was so nervouse and shy. but i sang shortly. They all liked it eventhough my performance was bad. Thank you guys! :)
And I really thank to my professor Zarah for teaching us kindly.
I would continued to study this subject eventhough it's is finished.
It was good opportunity to improve my french skill for my mjor in voice. :)
I tagged some pictures also! :)
On last day of french class
We started from Sara's group reporting.
It was about Ms. french international festival.
...... OMG!!


with my professor Zarah! ♥

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